Friday, September 17, 2010

The Switch

To be honest, I never really thought about being a Spanish teacher. I love the language, sure, but always pictured myself as a general classroom teacher in my [wildest?] work-time fantasies. I recieved my endorsement as a result of my minor, but never really considered pursuing it as a career.

How I underestimated that little addition to my teaching certificate! Not only did it find me a job in a cut-throat market, but it is FUN. I should has guessed I would enjoy teaching Spanish this much; didn't I love teaching English as a language? Don't I love learning languages personally? Simply switch the language, and I continue in the career path I love. Sometimes I (or we, as people) can be so close-minded to the possibilities that are available to us. 

I see a huge number of kids everyday, from kindergarten to eighth grade. Most of them ask me if I am Mexican, or attempt to guess my age (average guesses land somewhere around 56). Most classes are good, and eager to learn a new language. Yesterday was Mexican Independence Day, and the majority of my classes remembered [that I told them] this, and rushed up to me with hugs and exuberant salutations of "Happy Independence Day!" I flaunted this popularity in front of other teachers in the parking lot.

My school has a high (around 40%) HIspanic population (60% Black). The younger ones are adorable; so enthusiastic to share that they know spanish, too. The middle level kids usually feel that speaking Spanish exempts them from studying - resulting in a lot of misspelled words and incorrect grammar. They'll learn! 

The hardest thing I find is classroom management - when you are only with a class a couple hours a week, you run the risk of being viewed as "free time". The most difficult is 8th grade... and we all know why. The kids at my school have attitude, forcing me to up my game and stay on my toes - and contain [or burst out it] laughter quite often throughout the day. 

Anyhow, work is going really well. I love what I do, do what I love, and on top of that, I get SALARY. Boo ya.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Boo ya. Indeed. I love your passion for everything you do. Keep it up sis xxx