Wednesday, January 25, 2012

#1 Today I learned...

I have had this idea for a book for a long time, but have sporadically made advances in bringing it to life. As one of my many New Years Resolutions (yes, I am one of those that has about 50 of them, and will only make it to the first 5), I will be blogging more, and being more conscientious in my efforts in writing. I do love to write, but it seems that in the constant buzz that is my daily life, I forget to find the time to sit quietly at a computer and indulge in my hobby.

I am passionate about learning, something that might have a bit to do with my career choice. I am always trying something new, and eager to learn more about anything. They say that you learn something new everyday, and everyday I find this is true. I plan to chronicle the things I learn everyday, while at the same time preserving the context in which I learned these things.

1/25/12 - Today I learned there are Canadian teams that plan in the USA's national Sports leagues.

I don't know how this came up, but it was during a normal routine conversation I was having with the boyfriend after school. I was seated at the island in the kitchen of his  home, while he cooked up a frozen pizza for us for dinner, taking care to add the extra cheese and red pepper flakes that we both loved. I had changed from my professional wear into giant sweatpants and a hoodie, my favorite afterwork attire.  He was still in work clothes, which just happened to be the same. Lucky.

It doesn't really make sense, does it? Canadian teams playing in the NATIONAL leagues of the US. The name should really be changed to International, but then that opens up a whole new can of worms. Wouldn't other countries want to join? What's so special about Canada that they can join but others can't? Nothing against Canada, but it doesn't seem very fair.

Anyhow, it's funny how one learned fact can bring back a whole sensory experience; the warmth of his clothes, the cold beer I was drinking, and the sense of relaxation I felt having good conversation there in the kitchen. An ordinary night, yes, but one I am glad to remember.

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