Thursday, January 26, 2012

#2 Today i learned...

1/26/12 - Today I learned how to make glace-iced cookies.

First, sugar cookies. I cut them in circles for a nice and easy first attempt. I had never made sugar cookies before, and this seemed an easy recipe to follow. It was, and they turned out delicious.

Next, followed the tutorial on Our Best Bites blog. I feel like the first time I make anything, it never turns out just right. It takes two, three attempts to really master the skill. This was true for glace icing as well - i misjudged the consistency of the icing so that it was too runny, resulting in drippy cookies all over the pan. Word to the wise - when icing cookies like this, make sure it is THICK!

I did manage one or two good looking cookies. Not that looks matter - they all were delicious!

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