Sunday, July 12, 2009

Quick LIfe Updates - Precious Little Time

Life has been continuing nicely these past couple months. Work at Nordstrom as been full-filling, fruitful, and full-time. I enjoy myself immensely while practically living there, and have been cranking the numbers recently. Everyday, they post the top 25 sales people from the day before, and my name is now a regular appearance in not only the top 25, but the top ten. *Insert victory dance here* Home, sweet home.

The Miami heat has infiltrated my bloodstream - temperatures that may at one time have seemed deathly hot and impossibly humid are now, dare I say, pleasant. I'm making a trip up to Chicago soon, and I'm sure I will need to bring the old Parka to stave off the frost that is the Chicago summer.

I recently got a job I had been LUSTING over in Japan, putting a nice cap on my travel hiatus in the States. It begins in September, and last for a short 3.5 months, bringing me home to my family for Christmas (which I sorely missed last year). I'll be teaching english at a university, the location to be determined. Exciting!

That's about it. Oh, I turned 23 on the 7th... and realized I am not at all where I thought I would be. When I was young, I pictured myself married, possible with one on the way, at 23. Haha, how far from the truth!

1 comment:

SnapScrapRepeat said...

Sounds like life's journey has you just where you belong! Many a path have many a reason for their direction. I was 23 when B was born, but yet my roomie from college is expecting her first and she just turned 34. Both of us are intensely content - your path will provide for you - YOU WILL SEE!

Right now focus on packing that suitcase and getting that camera ready!!