Wednesday, January 2, 2013


My resolutions for the new year? As always, there are way too many. 

1. Get in TRI shape! Just signed up for the Pleasant Prairie Sprint Triathlon in June. Very excited!

2. Take more pictures... that are not just of food. Haha. I talked to my sister about doing one of those photo-a-day challenges, since she just got a nice Canon EOS for Christmas.

3. Read more. Now that I am in a book club, which I am LOVING already, I have that motivation I need to get back into reading. I've read 4 books (including the Hunger Games series) already in the past week and a half, and have started on book number 5. It feels great to read again, though I will enjoy it when my dreams move on from being chased by Peacemakers in the Capitol and not being able to use my bow and arrow.  I joined, and have already started reviewing books I have recently read.

4. Get a puppy. Approximate arrival date: April 15!

5. Play the piano more. I love to play... I just have to make the time to do it.

6. Keep blogging. 

Now, off for a run to kick start my training, then lunch with my friend Katie at a Bosnian place for an adventure, then downtown for a show with the family and boyfriend. Plenty of photo and blog ops. 3/6... Not bad for the second day of the year:)

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