Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Unfortunately, I’ve been in a bad funk lately and haven’t found the energy to write. So, here’s the DL, the quick version, for everything that’s gone on in this past week and a half.

Last Sunday, Margaret invited me over for le dejuner, the big meal at midday. I arrived early as instructed, and we cooked together a spectacular meal. Then, the other invited guests arrived around 2, and I was surprised to discover that she had intentionally invited close friends with young daughters. They were 18 and 19, and very friendly! After a wonderful meal, the Laure and Gwen invited me to go swimming with them. The evening ended in us exchanging phone numbers, promising to hang out again. We were supposed to go bowling this past week, but the parents didn’t return to the house until after 10 each night.

Which leads me to the next topic: how much this job sucks. The parents frequently get home much later than is expected, whilst neglecting to phone. Not only do they leave their cereal bowls on the table every morning (with milk and unfinished cereal), but also their dishes and pots/ utensils from the night before for me to clean. The mother frequently patronizes me, and assigns me tasks well outside of my duties, such as to clean the dishwasher and vacuum the kid’s rooms (which also entails getting everything off of the floor… a monumental undertaking). She makes me sit with the kids as they finish eating, while she types on the computer, 3 feet away, in the same room. It really is getting too much to handle, especially the way that she treats me.

I talked to Margaret this morning, and started crying. I am really unhappy here. I told her that it was so bad that I had even drafted a letter of resignation and looked into how to change my ticket date. However, I am not a quitter. I asked her if I was being blind and insensible about this. She looked surprised, and replied that no, by no means was I out of line. In fact, of the 5 previous au pairs, 3 had quit prematurely, one after just 2 weeks. The two that had stayed had a horrible time, but stuck out their 4-month summer stays. The family changed agencies each time.

I couldn’t believe it. It is honestly to the point that that I want nothing more than to be home with my family and out of this condescending, horrible environment. I’m going to talk to my mom tomorrow about this. Margaret has offered her house as a safe haven, and also a place to stay until my flight. She says that all of the other au pairs have lived with her at one time or another.

Lastly, we spend this past weekend in the weekend house of the grandparents. The youngest of the three trust-fund sisters (Geraldine, Fanny, and the bride to be, Emelie) was getting married. And WOW, did she get married! After a civil ceremony, a short ceremony in the church, and an appetizer party outside of the church, we finally went back to the house for the reception. There was a grand tent with many tables, looking out over the water. More appetizers were served as the first course of the 6-course meal to follow, and champagne flowed freely. The appetizers were gourmet to the last, made with such ingredients and elegance that I cannot describe. The champagne was the best and certainly most expensive I have every tasted. At around eight, every one of the 200 guests sat for the dinner.

I saved a menu, because there is no way I could remember how many delicious things we ate. It was the fanciest meal I have ever had. White wine accompanied the fish, red wine the spicy potatoes and beef, and champagne the strawberry wedding cake, several tiers high.

Around 12pm, a twenty minute fireworks show, one that would beat out most suburban Fourth of July festivities, commenced. I was in awe.

After that, a DJ provided the dancing. Most found their ways to bed around 4, but I had to put the youngest to bed at 1. Not so bad, as I didn’t know anyone else there. There were a few very sexy French men looking my way, but unfortunately, Geraldine was watching closely.

The next day, everyone was invited back for lunch. It was the most spectacular buffet I have every seen, et la meilleure que j'ai déjà goûte! After that, the dessert buffet was laid while every disobeyed their better judgment and ate themselves silly. Champagne again flowed from bottles like a fountain.

Not that I got to have that much fun. Watching Arthur, the youngest, is as tough a task as it gets. Running in every direction, touching everything and retaining such energy as I have every seen, Arthur thoroughly exhausted me. Geraldine and her mom also approached me every 10 minutes to either 1) make sure I was doing my job (which I was) or 2) give me another job to do, or 3) scrutinize my work. The grandparents treat me the same way. I was horrified to learn that we will go there for 8 days for “les vacances.” I am dreading this stretch long working hours and absolutely absence of any independence in the presence of those who believe I am so definitely beneath them, and not afraid to let me hear it.

Luckily, Geraldine’s sister also has an fille au pair. She is a 19-year-old polish girl. She is very nice! I enjoyed her company, though we had very little time to chat. Hopefully she will be there during “vacation.”

That is pretty much what’s been happening. The kids are out of school, so I have all day with them. Today, Philippine barged into my room at 7am declaring that she was awake and that I was to breakfast with her. From 8 until 2 I worked, unpacking the groceries that Mother had ordered online, and rearranging the fridge because she had overbought, and there was no room for anything. Aside from the 10 million tomatoes, packs of yogurt, and ham, there’s not much else.

I’m exhausted, so I’m going to get some sleep. Who knows what time I’ll be summoned tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy - it's Chris.

It sounds like the French family is giving you hell. I think you need to reinforce some SHAKE AND BAKE! Show those kids discipline and make the family want YOU to leave! Teach those little buggers that if you cross Amy you pay with your hind end!

With love and hopefully inspired revenge (hehehe)

Christopher - your only Bro