Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Your Daily Dose of Prose

Day Four, Day Four, it’s finally come!
It’s almost over, this horrible run
The parents SUCK but the kids are quite fun
Day Four, Day Four, just get’r dun.

I feel good, I feel gay*
Mom can scream all she wants today
Her kids can tell she's a bit cray-zay
Puton**… peut pas parler.

I rolled the kids out of bed ‘round eight
I hugged them, dressed them, then we ate
Took one to the tutor, and then we wait
They watch TV, I wash and scrape.***

Après we had our midday meal
Pasta and cookies made them squeal
They said they love me, it made me feel
So happy, because I know it’s real.

Then they left for the afternoon
Margaret and I talked ourselves blue
Through the phone, my mom talked too
I even ate the forbidden food!****

How quickly this hour has already come
Get the kids, cook and clean, then some
Mom will freak if I leave a crumb
Day Four, Day Four, just get’r dun.

*Not THAT kind of gay…

**A French swear word, one of many that I have learned here. Given that the children swear like sailors, I would say that my education is rather complete.

***I am normally left with the dinner mess and parents’ breakfast dishes each morning, but today the kitchen was an exceptional, rather impressive, disaster. Four huge, dirty pots and numerous cutlery cluttered the stove and filled sink; papers and random items were scattered aimlessly over every surface; dirty dishes laid beside the open and dirty dishwasher; the breakfast dishes, cereal, and milk from the parent’s meal remained on the table. It took about an hour of intense cleaning to finish a job I am definitely not being paid to do.

****The parents have a shelf in the refrigerator, with the unspoken rule that the food there is forbidden to anyone but themselves. However, I am sick of eating the unhealthy crap-food that is left to the general public. They have no other meat in the house, so I took one of many packets of ham from their shelf and ate it. They have no fruit of veggies in the “common” area of the fridge, so I ate half a melon from the ”VIP” section. I even had a bowl of the only healthy cereal, which Mom had hidden, but, due to my cunning detective skills, I found in an adjacent cabinet. So, yeah, I'm pretty bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very cute song!!! I wish I could talk with you every day. Wish me luck on the trip!