Monday, March 16, 2009

News, Shnews, Let's Sell Some Shoes!

After a few more miraculous days, Sarah left and returned back to Normal, our college town. This left me, once again, with absolutely nothing to do. 

As a result, my life has been filled up with the following few things, creatively introduced by catchy titles.

1. The Hunt is ON! - There are literally NO jobs to be had in Miami. The only place that seems to be hiring is the Miami Beach area, which is simply too far away on public transportation to be feasible, and the nearby McDonalds. That is my last resort card; a card I will conveniently lose on the eve of my job hunting deadline. A couple months of vacation never hurt anyone. However, today I got an interview at Nordstroms for shoe sales! I am ECSTATIC! I loved selling shoes before, and would simply DIE to get that job. Commission is my best friend, among others - mostly humans with names.

2. Tell -0-Vision - 24, LOST, and the Office are completely up to date in my mind. I still have serious work to do on Desperate Housewives and Heroes, however. And, SHOCKER! The Girls Next Door disbanded while I was away - bummer!

3. Wedding Planner - (yes, that's as creative as I get) The Bridal Shower is this weekend! Favors, invitations, gifts... 

4. Run, Amy, RUN! - I'm building up, slowly, to the half marathon I will be running in January. I'm also trying to cut off a few pounds. Today, I had a dentist appointment; She asked which flavor toothpaste I wanted, and gave me a small list to choose from. In case you didn't know, 'Cookie Dough' is a real toothpaste flavor here. And it is DELICIOUS.

5. Cat-astrophy - Paco, our family cat, has been causing a lot of distress in our family lately. Firstly, after attempting a dangerous leap from cluttered counter top to cluttered counter top, he fell and broke one of his arms (or legs?) earlier this year. Faux-paw- for a few months, he had to wear a little cat-cast. The cast was removed and the wound healed months ago; However, Paco still feels the need to only use 3 legs for walking, and all other endeavors. I've seen him use the fourth without any cries of pain or even the slightest twitch of discomfort. That deceitful little animal.

Anyways, this always arouses concern and amusement from guests, myself included, who find it hysterical to watch this completely healthy cat hobble around like a cripple. 

In addition to this, Paco, after 2 years in this house, has figured out how to use the doggy door, in addition to the Human Door leading onto the porch.  Before discovering the truth of this, my mom posted a sign on the Human Door, declaring "Do not open this door! Who ever let the cat out last night is in TROUBLE!"
Now, throughout the day, cries of "CAT!" echo through our home, followed by the scuffle of feet racing to retrieve the escapee. The first night this happened, we found him in the next door neighbors garage, hanging rather closely to another orange cat that was, to be honest, very handsome. While these escape attempts seem justified, we can only imagine what the other cat will feel when she finds out Paco has been fixed.

5. Shambly Fambly - My sister was in town this week, bringing all of us together again for the first time in a year. We had some great times, including a premature Easter dinner (we won't be together on that day). The dog, Aiden, especially loved the extra attention.

1 comment:

SnapScrapRepeat said...


It looks as though there is no sweeter place than home! Your family is beautiful! May your restful days ahead be full of sunshine, good music, and plenty of scrap!! (Any good scrap stores in your area?) :)