Saturday, October 11, 2008

Uh-oh, Spaghettios!

Today the full realization of what I have gotten myself into hit me like a ton of Chinese lanterns (which weighs exactly the same as a ton of bricks, as it where). This left me a bit shaken, nervous, and hyper-actively self destructive, leading me to ask me the one question I thought I knew the answer to in the first place: what have I gotten myself into? 


I scrapbooked some more to calm the feelings, which were beginning to shred my stomach lining.


Miraculously, all of my materials fit into the suitcases, though I am almost positive they are over the weight limit (which is much less than the ton of ill-mannered Chinese lanterns mentioned earlier). 


I recieved a package from one of my BFF4EVAHs* which could potentially save my life: A book with accompanying CD for beginners to learn Chinese. I didn't realize that I have training Monday and Tuesday (I arrive Sunday night) and then I start on Wednesday. I don't know the meaning of jet lag yet.


With this book, I will perhaps be somewhat prepared to buy food (and eat for the first time in 3 days) on Thursday.

Tomorrow, 4 a.m. I'm leaving. Maybe I should finish getting ready?




SnapScrapRepeat said...

As I read this...I am celebrating Columbus Day, and you are sitting in the middle of China - somewhere! I am so nervous now - until I see that you are able to post and say that you are safe and sound in your new cultural surroundings! Here are some hugs to hope your soul is content and the weight of your scrap supplies didn't cost too much extra at the airport! ;)

Gloria Chavira said...

amy... keep blogging about your trip. i stay tuned.
hope you are in china well and safe.