Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Excited Chaskaniowi Gets, Well, Excited

The national riots were supposed to roll over onto today, but apparently all of the Cusqueños were too tired from writing papers, observing classes, and attending a long and dissapppointingly boring Pub Trivia night. But we still got 3rd.

I, too, was tired from these same activities. However, I got up and did my 10 minute run, forcing myself to stick to my personal goal. I want to build up a ton of red blood cells so that I can be Super Runner when I return to the US. I will also wear my glasses at all times when I am not running, as to confuse my archnemesis-to-be.

Today, class was so long. It´s either the result of being in class for a whole week, the long hours spent at the school observing and writing papers, or the hovering knowledge that ¨The Dad¨ arrives tomorrow. It is most likely the latter; I am SO EXCITED to see my dad! I think that this weekend will be a really memorable one. I would think so, as Machu Picchu is considered one of the 7 wonders of the Ancient World... and ¨The Dad¨is considered one of the 7 of the modern one.

During lunch a few of the girls and I met two spanish students here at Máximo Nivel. They were born and raised in Peru, and also had a good knowledge of Quetchua. I was surprised how much we remembered from the lesson yesterday, and we even learned a few more words. The man, José, called us chaskaniowi, which means ¨those who have stars in thier eyes.¨ I also fell with ease back into spanish conversation, learning a few new peruvian phrases... and recieving, once again, the comment that I have a very distinguised Spain-Spanish accent.

Well, it´s time to go back to work. I have 3 papers to write in an hour, at which time my brain will automatically switch into irreversible day-dream mode. Current popular topics include China, John Krasinski, and Thomas´100 Calorie English Muffins.

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