Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Fanny Pack Vs. The Lazy Bums, Boxed Wine included in the Cover Price

There is a very good reason that I haven´t written in what seems like forever. Really, I promise.

This past week has been work week from H-E-Double hockey sticks, to use the politically correct term of the 90s. I spent from 9-13 hours daily in our little TEFL room, planning lessons, typing up detailed plans, teaching, and laboring over a rather intimidating paper on a concept of grammar of my choice. I chose the verb tense Present Perfect, which, if you weren´t aware, is one of the most important elements of the English language. With out it, we would literally not be able to form any type of sentence. At least, this is how I feel after writing 6 pages on the surprising dull topic of something so direly important.

This weekend, the run off from being so intensely overworked morphed us TEFLers, more informally known by insiders as ¨The Fanny Pack¨, into a mild form of lazy bums. We watched many movies and drank a healthy amount of cheap boxed wine in our own homes. Can´t beat that. We did make it out to the new McDonalds in Cusco, which was much more expensive than anything else in Plaza De Armas, but so worth the money. Though we haven´t been here for that long, our inate addiction to really crappy burgers seems to surface immediately when the opportunity arises.

This week, I am teaching one class, a Pre-Intermediate course at 8am, all week. Today I struggled; I made the mistake of planning an uber-creative, in-depth lesson, fit for about a 3 hour period. Teaching English seems to thrive on very simple lessons, something that my complicated self can´t seem to grasp. I´m sure I´ll get better as the week goes on.

Though I am looking forward to the serenity of home in Miami, I am very reluctant to leave Cusco. We really have a great group of people! We mesh well together and have a little too much fun by most standards. I was even asked by one of my students to tutor her. I am going to miss these people and this place a lot!

Well, it´s back to work. I am pretty sure I can be out of here by 4, at which point I will, once again, become the lazy bum of the weekend and watch movies with the volunteers in the house until night. I can only hope!

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