Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Of Inaugurations and Bubbly Babies

Spring Festival is kicking into high gear here in Jinan. Fireworks shops are popping up everywhere to support the high demand for the entertaining yet very annoying things. Against all odds, I think I have succeeded in training by body to sleep soundly through the loud gun-shot-like bangs that frequently puncture the sweet nighttime silence. 
Just in time for the holiday, the Bird Flu is back in China! I was a bit frightened at first when I heard about it, especially because there was a death in Jinan. However, after reading some informative articles, I feel prepared to take the necessary precautions. No chicken, no eggs, and no pig, as they can contract the strain as well. In addition, no leopard or ferrets, which puts a huge dent in my daily diet. Hamburgers it is!

Despite the panic, the Chinese continue to be upbeat and happy about the coming festivities. Because most have off work, the streets are much more crowded than usual. People have begun stocking up on their party foods at the supermarket, leaving with garish amounts of eggs and cabbage. On one bus ride home, I sat in front of a baby who embodied such a happy-go-lucky sentiment. He was highly amused with my hair, and laughed hysterically when it moved in any way.

At home at Lixia Dasha, we had another reason to celebrate. The Inauguration of Obama was a huge event, one that I watched with a few fellow Americans live from Slingbox. His speech was extremely moving, and, though I don't agree with many of his policies, I truely believe he will be a great leader for this nation. And, as a toast from across the world to our new President, we partied. 
Good times!


SnapScrapRepeat said...

I heard the celebrations circled the world twice yesterday - glad you were able to join in the fun! Love that little baby and his adorable laugh!

Keep up the "bird Flu" watch and stay safe!!

Anonymous said...

baby video funny. I'm glad sling box was able to provide your connection to us! I watched while running at Bally's - it was the old Bally's, so had to read close captioning. Not quite the same. For example, Aretha Franklin is just another woman in a great hat without the sound. Why can't I get away with wearing hats like that?
